I dag var der tilbud i Normann Copenhagen, så jeg har købt lidt flere ting til den fremtidige bolig!
Et stk. bordskåner, spaghettidoser og tre skåle - jeg er så glad for det hele.
All I want and everything else.
Tips, tricks, things I love, opinions and stories!
torsdag den 27. juni 2013
tirsdag den 23. april 2013
mandag den 22. april 2013
søndag den 2. januar 2011
My Danish Christmas
Christmas is full of traditions! Not only Christmas Eve, but all of December!
(This post is gonna be long, but I'll post pictures too)
My Christmas really starts on the first Advent Sunday. We normally just sit together as a family (us who live at home = my parents and me) and light the first Advent candle.
From here on, December starts. Every morning, we have breakfast together, as usual, and turn on our "count-down candle." It has 24 numbers (1, 2, 3 .. 24) and you burn the date you're at every day, so on the first of December you burn "1" and in this way you can always keep track on how long it is till Christmas.
Then we open our calenders. This year I had a chocolate one, where you get a new, little chocolate every day till the 24th, and a scratching calender, where you scratch number one, on the first, etc. and you collect different Christmas figures, for example, if you get 10 Christmas Trees, you win a million DKK, which is like a little less than 200.000 USD. I was only one Christmas Tree away from winning, but of course, I didn't. I won like $5 instead (which is too bad when it's only half the price of the calender.)

(This post is gonna be long, but I'll post pictures too)
My Christmas really starts on the first Advent Sunday. We normally just sit together as a family (us who live at home = my parents and me) and light the first Advent candle.
From here on, December starts. Every morning, we have breakfast together, as usual, and turn on our "count-down candle." It has 24 numbers (1, 2, 3 .. 24) and you burn the date you're at every day, so on the first of December you burn "1" and in this way you can always keep track on how long it is till Christmas.
Then we open our calenders. This year I had a chocolate one, where you get a new, little chocolate every day till the 24th, and a scratching calender, where you scratch number one, on the first, etc. and you collect different Christmas figures, for example, if you get 10 Christmas Trees, you win a million DKK, which is like a little less than 200.000 USD. I was only one Christmas Tree away from winning, but of course, I didn't. I won like $5 instead (which is too bad when it's only half the price of the calender.)
I've worked a lot all Christmas, 'cause the store is open all Sundays in December and I worked 3/4 + my normal shits, and some extras that I took from others, who didn't have the time themselves. It did pay off, though, and I got payed on the 30th and do now have enough money saved up to come back and visit :)
We also always pick out a Christmas tree together, though my parents did it this year, since I was the one selling them, to raise money to one of the organizations I volunteer in. Then we decorate it together, and I (since I'm the only child left) get to make out Christmas scenery.
On the 23rd of December, we eat Rice Pudding for dinner.
My dad doesn't like it, so he usually eats something else, while me, my mom, and brother enjoys it with a glass of lemonade. Yum!
We also always pick out a Christmas tree together, though my parents did it this year, since I was the one selling them, to raise money to one of the organizations I volunteer in. Then we decorate it together, and I (since I'm the only child left) get to make out Christmas scenery.
On the 23rd of December, we eat Rice Pudding for dinner.
My dad doesn't like it, so he usually eats something else, while me, my mom, and brother enjoys it with a glass of lemonade. Yum!
Then there's, of course, the 24th - CHRISTMAS :)
My youngest brother stayed the night here, and then me, mom, dad, and him, went to the zoo, as every year. We saw the sea lions get fed, and filled out the Christmas contest. We saw Santa's reindeer (on the picture), and froze!
Then we went home, ate lunch, and relaxed, and watched Disney's Christmas Show. Picked up my grandparents, and then my brother, fiancée, and son, came over.
At 6pm, we ate dinner, which is normally duck, roasted pork, different kinds of potatoes, and other side dishes. We didn't get the roasted pork this year, since my grandma got too sick, but nobody was hungry anyways.
For desert, we got "risalamande" which is kinda like rice pudding, but sweeter, and with jelly on top. There is almonds in it, but only one whole nut. The one who gets this, gets a price (normally a box of chocolates or something like that.) This year, my dad got it.
Then we light the candles on the Christmas tree and dance around it/walk around it, while we sing Christmas songs. I know it sounds crazy!
Each family member pick a Christmas song, and then we sing it, starting with the oldest member, ending with the youngest.
This year Santa came back too, he heard we got a new family member :-))

My youngest brother stayed the night here, and then me, mom, dad, and him, went to the zoo, as every year. We saw the sea lions get fed, and filled out the Christmas contest. We saw Santa's reindeer (on the picture), and froze!
Then we went home, ate lunch, and relaxed, and watched Disney's Christmas Show. Picked up my grandparents, and then my brother, fiancée, and son, came over.
At 6pm, we ate dinner, which is normally duck, roasted pork, different kinds of potatoes, and other side dishes. We didn't get the roasted pork this year, since my grandma got too sick, but nobody was hungry anyways.
For desert, we got "risalamande" which is kinda like rice pudding, but sweeter, and with jelly on top. There is almonds in it, but only one whole nut. The one who gets this, gets a price (normally a box of chocolates or something like that.) This year, my dad got it.
Then we light the candles on the Christmas tree and dance around it/walk around it, while we sing Christmas songs. I know it sounds crazy!
Each family member pick a Christmas song, and then we sing it, starting with the oldest member, ending with the youngest.
This year Santa came back too, he heard we got a new family member :-))
Then we open our presents, talk, laugh, enjoy an evening with the family, and that's it! :)
Now, on the 25th, my brother (maybe girlfriends), parents, and me, eat lunch together every year. This year my oldest brother was at the fiancée' parent's house though.
On the 26th, we go to my grandmother's and eat lunch, but since she was still sick, we ordered Italian, so she wouldn't have to cook.
And that is my Christmas for you! Hope I didn't forget anything :)
Merry (late) Christmas!
Love, Mette
Now, on the 25th, my brother (maybe girlfriends), parents, and me, eat lunch together every year. This year my oldest brother was at the fiancée' parent's house though.
On the 26th, we go to my grandmother's and eat lunch, but since she was still sick, we ordered Italian, so she wouldn't have to cook.
And that is my Christmas for you! Hope I didn't forget anything :)
Merry (late) Christmas!
Love, Mette
fredag den 31. december 2010
It's New Years, and I spent half an hour walking home from the train station, 'cause apparently I came right at the time where it switch between night buses, and normal buses, and it would be at least 45 minutes before the "normal" bus would arrive.
So this walk made me think of everything, and I decided to make a blog, for you all to follow my life in Denmark (if you want to) and for myself, so I could get some thoughts out of me and down on "paper."
See, though last year was the best experience of my LIFE, it changed a lot of things, most of all me! And while I was busy growing as a person, in the states, my friends back here changed too, and got other friends, that now, meant more to them than me.
It was a tough time coming back, I'll admit that. It still is tough.
Who could I trust? Who would stand behind me?
To be honest, only very few of the people I thought would, did, but as school started, I made a ton of new friends, and it gave me some comfort.
I have really, honestly, tried hard to feel at home in Denmark, after last year, but fact is, I can't. Not right now. I have been trying so hard to be something I'm not, to fit in here, to be who I used to be, since that's what people expected, well, tonight I realized I'm more than that!
I was at a new years party, but tonight I realized that no alcohol, no music, no fireworks, can ever make an as perfect and 'free' new years as I had last year! Here, people got drunk, and somebody puked in the host's bed. Made me feel horrible. This is not who I am. This is not my life, some party. Yeah, I can have fun with my friends, but this is not what I need to feel good!
And there I was, walking down this loooong street, home, watching random people's fireworks, and drunk people peeing, and I just realized that this is not what I want for my life!
I wish I could do what I love, without disappointing anybody, without their expectations kicking me down from behind. I wish I could smile, and mean it all the way deep down. Fact is, I haven't really been that smiling person since I can back.
I'm lost.
But I'll find my way through. I'll find my place in this world. If I'm not supposed to be in Denmark, I'm sure I'll get accepted into the college I applied for next year. It's a full scholarship in Norway, but chances are small. I'm sure that no matter what, I'll find what I was meant to in life. Now, only thing left, is hoping it's something I'll like :)
Happy New Year!
May 2011 bring you luck and answers!
So this walk made me think of everything, and I decided to make a blog, for you all to follow my life in Denmark (if you want to) and for myself, so I could get some thoughts out of me and down on "paper."
See, though last year was the best experience of my LIFE, it changed a lot of things, most of all me! And while I was busy growing as a person, in the states, my friends back here changed too, and got other friends, that now, meant more to them than me.
It was a tough time coming back, I'll admit that. It still is tough.
Who could I trust? Who would stand behind me?
To be honest, only very few of the people I thought would, did, but as school started, I made a ton of new friends, and it gave me some comfort.
I have really, honestly, tried hard to feel at home in Denmark, after last year, but fact is, I can't. Not right now. I have been trying so hard to be something I'm not, to fit in here, to be who I used to be, since that's what people expected, well, tonight I realized I'm more than that!
I was at a new years party, but tonight I realized that no alcohol, no music, no fireworks, can ever make an as perfect and 'free' new years as I had last year! Here, people got drunk, and somebody puked in the host's bed. Made me feel horrible. This is not who I am. This is not my life, some party. Yeah, I can have fun with my friends, but this is not what I need to feel good!
And there I was, walking down this loooong street, home, watching random people's fireworks, and drunk people peeing, and I just realized that this is not what I want for my life!
I wish I could do what I love, without disappointing anybody, without their expectations kicking me down from behind. I wish I could smile, and mean it all the way deep down. Fact is, I haven't really been that smiling person since I can back.
I'm lost.
But I'll find my way through. I'll find my place in this world. If I'm not supposed to be in Denmark, I'm sure I'll get accepted into the college I applied for next year. It's a full scholarship in Norway, but chances are small. I'm sure that no matter what, I'll find what I was meant to in life. Now, only thing left, is hoping it's something I'll like :)
Happy New Year!
May 2011 bring you luck and answers!
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